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Give the gift of career happiness!

Gift Card

For family members, students and others in need of some careers direction in their life, a What Job Fits Me premium service subscription is a great gift to give.

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Help a friend of family member reach their full potential with the premium service.

  1. Career Strengths Report - Gives them a full report of their unique combination of career-based strengths.
  2. Career Options - Gives them their top career matches with accompanying earnings potential data.
  3. Career Paths - Provides them with access to the career paths tool to explore career options and paths in detail.
  4. Career Improvement - Helps them get personalised career improvement tips and links to online courses.

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Simply complete the form below and we'll send you a link to make an online payment and provide you with a unique access code and instructions to get everything set up for you.

What Job Fits Me?

The Magdalen Centre, The Oxford Science Park

Oxford, OX4 4GA, UK
